Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas

My Gift from Him
My Gift from ME!
My husband and I did things a little differently this year for Christmas. He got me something that he will enjoy , and I got him something that I will enjoy. But isn't that what marriage is all about? Sharing? Well, I certainly think so...
I must say however, I have really enjoyed both of our Christmas presents, probably more than he has. I actually use them both, he only gets to play with mine! I guess in all actuality, you could say that both of our gifts this year are more for me. I have some serious make-up to do when his birthday rolls around!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

mantel with homemade stockings
I love Christmas! I love Christmas music; I love decorating for Christmas; I love the food of Christmas; I love the smell of Christmas; I love being with family at Christmas; I love giving gifts at Christmas. And, I won't pretend, or lie, I also slightly enjoy receiving gifts at Christmas. 

Our Tree

 stockings (kids decorated their own)

I had to let go of my OCD a little and let the kids help me decorate the tree. I'm a little picky when it comes to lights, balance of color and size of ornaments, and just overall aesthetics of the tree. The kids had a blast! And isn't that what it's really about anyway? Last year the kids decorated their own paper sack "stockings". It was so much fun! And they look adorable hanging over the fireplace. I have yet to make another one for little Analee...better do that. I used glitter glue, tiny ribbon bows, and buttons to decorate clothes pins for hanging them on jute. These same clothes pins and jute are used for hanging all our Christmas cards on my antique french door that hangs on the wall above my couch all year round.                   

Let's not forget the True Meaning of Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me (again)

I love Rachael Ray and all her super cool products. I have a set of the orange "bubble up" dishes. I have the "pasta pot". I absolutely love my large oval saute pan. And the double zip-up carrying case is great for our back-to-back services at church. I use the large rectangular plastic container all the time. It came with a veggie tray and a deviled egg tray. And most recently, I gifted myself with the evoo bottle. I never even used olive oil until I started watching her cooking shows. So I figured it was a good homage to her. Thanks Rachael! I'm really not a stalker, just a little obsessed. Oh, I forgot to mention all the handy kitchen gadgets I have! I won't list them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

My wonderful husband found these 6 amazing wooden crates on Swap Shop (post about that soon to follow) for only $50! He knows me so well. Some may think "those ugly things!" But I say, "Wow! Those are so cool!" I had a million ideas of what I could do with them. I finally concluded I need 6 more! We created an entertainment center, a tall side table, and a place for the cats to sleep. 
My "new" old entertainment center
They are just sitting on top of each other so at any time, after deep consideration, or simply on a whim, they can be moved around, and repositioned to make and create anything!
Panda and Bear's home (also decorated for Christmas)
"photo-bombed" again

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cashew Macadamia Crunch

Start with ingredients...
Follow directions...

Enjoy a bit of heaven in your mouth!
Find the complete recipe here

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What a wonderful evening we had celebrating our precious Pastor's Wife's Birthday! Our church ladies made special effort to make sure she had a great day! We met in town at a nice restaurant and feasted on good food, had wonderful fellowship, and made forever memories.                                                                                                   

She is a very special person in my life. She has been my pastor's wife since I was 10 years old! I have to say she is like a second mother to me. I grew up with her daughters and spent just as much time at their house as my own.  She is a Godly example in modesty, meekness, submission, humility, prayer, and so many other areas. What an encouragement! As every child of God knows, living for the Lord is not a bed of roses. There have been disappointments, discouraging times, many valleys and trials. But through it all she remained faithful and in love with her Lord. Thank you for your testimony. I love you, Mrs. Yvonne!                                                         

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Love Fall!

This time of year is probably my favorite. The cool weather, the changing leaves, the anticipated Holidays, and of course, my soon coming birthday! I am mostly excited though about the beautiful creation of God that we are so privileged to enjoy. Oftentimes in Texas, we don't get much of a "Fall". It stays so hot right up until the cold hits. That usually causes all the leaves to simply turn brown and fall off the trees. This year however, our Fall Season has been wonderful! The trees are lovely, and the weather couldn't be better. Just one more thing to be thankful for. Don't forget to take time when you enjoy His creation to say a small "thank you".

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Growing up, I always had an, dog, horse, I even attempted fish and hamsters, just like every other kid whose parents couldn't say "no"...not that mine couldn't say "no"...guess I was just a very persuasive kid... anyways, I always had a pet. Since I've been married, we have had a puppy, 2 kittens, another puppy, turtles and frogs. I thought we had finally resolved to the fact that pets are not for us. Then Panda showed up. Panda is a female ( I think) cat that showed up at our house a week or so ago, and after someone fed her, she hasn't left. Well, she's been fun. She stays OUTSIDE, loves for you to pet her, and isn't a nuisance, so far.
(yet to be named)
I was telling my mom (a real cat lover) about her and she said wistfully, "I think I'm ready for another kitten." Her last one got run over. Sniff... Then - it happened - I saw 3 Siamese kittens on Swap Shop - and I just did it. That's right, I got all 3!! My mom is getting 2 of them...which means we will once again be in the pet business. And I don't think it will be as easy to get rid of them this time.